She Who Keeps The Keys
Hosted by Fiona Kimm Richards
Hosted by Fiona Kimm Richards
A Series of Guided Deep Feminine Immersions with Jumana Sophia
Restoring Your Holy Alliance with Darkness, Light, Wisdom, Love, Courage, Faith, and the Death That Is Life
The first of my affiliate Groups with HER Mystery School is the ~She Who Keeps The Keys~ Seasonal Ritual Immersion Series.
An eight-part series of depth teaching, deep feminine cultivation practices, and shared ritual arts that companion the changing seasons of the year, or the changing sacred needs of your life.
Each year starting in June I’m inviting women to join as we journey through the seasonal wheel (or the changing seasons of your life) with eight initiatory experiences into deep feminine arts that forge trustworthy alliances with darkness, light, wisdom, love, courage, faith, and the death that is life.
We will gather together online to participate in ritual and celebration of the seasons.
You will need to purchase the recordings by Jumana Sophia, founder of Her Mystery School (US), that include:
~ 90 minute webinar: Initial teaching and shared practice in the deep feminine tradition
~ A guided audio practice for ongoing cultivation, sourced from HER Mystery School curriculum
~ Introduction of a ritual art
~ Guided personal ceremony for the holy day
~ 60 minute webinar: Completion, integration and claiming.
Available as a full 8 part series.
COST: US$205/series of eight – Currently on Sale 50% OFF
Mid Season Intake December 2024
The Process
We will meet online via Zoom on the Sunday before each turn of the seasonal wheel to prepare. Then you will complete the content from Her Mystery School in your own time through the week. We will then meet again on the Sunday afterward to provide witness for each other’s journey.
Deep Connection with the self, cycles and seasons
Deep connection with self, cycles and seasons.
This is a unique opportunity to meet in a deeper place, to reconnection with the seasonal wheel, yourself and natural cycles.
This is a unique opportunity to meet in a deeper place, to reconnection with the seasonal wheel, yourself and natural cycles.
Here’s an overview of the journey
THE DARKNESS THAT KNOWS ~ Winter Solstice; The Darkest Night
Together we will restore alliance with the deep feminine power of the dark as a nourishment, a shelter; coming close to the refuge, the presence that companions us through the unknown.
THE FLAME THAT REMEMBERS ~ Imbolc; The First Milk, First Light
Together we will restore alliance with the true light of the incorruptible flame, differentiating between that light and the veils of false light that perpetuate illusion, dispersion, and subtle manipulation.
THE WISDOM THAT HEALS ~ Spring Equinox; The Holy Pause, the Balance
Together we will restore alliance with holy Wisdom, She who dwells beyond rhetoric, angst, contention, and the bewilderment of human culture; re-aligning with natural laws that foster right relationship, right timing, right proportion, and right action.
THE LOVE THAT ABIDES ~ Beltane; Renewal of Fertility, Renewal of Life
Together we will restore alliance with the lovemaking of heaven and earth, joining with the ever-renewing union of above and below; honouring the ancient rite of the sacred marriage to drink from the wellspring of resurrection, devotional intimacy with the heart of Creation.
THE COURAGE THAT ENDURES ~ Summer Solstice; The Longest Day
As we rise into the longest day, together we attune to the courage and soul stamina it takes to tend the light of life until its eventide. We will restore alliance with the deep feminine protection of honest personal inventory, and we will differentiate between the authentic, radiant expression that fuels your essential light and superficial, excessive exposure that depletes it.
THE FAITH THAT RESTORES ~ Lammas; The Feast, the Ripening
Together we will restore alliance with the faith that restores and the fruition, the abundance, of the miraculously regenerative deep feminine power both within us and within Life itself. We will draw close to the cycling natural laws that faithfully lead us from the fallow, the dying, the dissolving to the inevitable ripening, the abundance and generosity of spirit that are the full fruition of a life lived in surrender to its own soul making.
THE WISDOM THAT HEALS ~ Autumnal Equinox; Refuge in Sacred Integrity
Together we will restore alliance with holy Wisdom, She who dwells beyond rhetoric, angst, contention, and the bewilderment of human culture. Entering the Holy Pause as we did in Spring Equinox, this time we will be focusing on Wisdom's guidance for recognizing and redressing cognitive dissonance and coercion both within and without us, returning to a simple, peaceful and peace-making life lived according to natural laws that foster true right relationship, right timing, right proportion, and right action.
THE DEATH THAT IS LIFE ~ Samhain; The Laying To Rest
Together we will restore alliance with the Death that is Life, remembering that we walk the Life-Death-Life cycle, not the Death-Life-Death cycle. We will draw close to the comforting arts of true and full surrender to the fallow, the completion, the loss, the laying to rest, as the doorway through which the cycle towards life, love, fruition and the steady flame can begin again.
If you’re curious and want to learn more, schedule a free 30-minute call with me so I can give you more information and answer any questions you may have.