Spiral Element(1)

The Spiral

Your Path To Empowerment and Healing

Your Path To
Empowerment and Healing

Are you ready to shed the weight of emotional baggage and step into your most powerful and aligned self?

The Spiral offers you a transformative journey of emotional clearing
and personal evolution.
The Spiral is an incredible Transformational Modality that helps you to uplevel your life, break old patterns and let go of old habits. To resolve emotional blockages and understand why you behave the way that you do so you can choose to
respond instead of reacting.
It can help you make
changes in your life to
ensure you are living a life aligned to your core values and your life’s purpose.
The Spiral can help you feel safe in your body, re-ignite your passion and creativity, feel powerfully in control of your own life, reconnect
with your heart centre and core values, communicate your needs and wants confidently, reconnect with your intuition and learn to trust yourself again and align with Souls Purpose. All while feeling secure, safe, supported and resourced.

The Spiral combines insights from various modalities, including Spiral Dynamics, Levels of Consciousness, Ayurvedic Chakra System, and NeuroSemantics-Linguistic Programming. Through a systematic mental-emotional upgrade in frequency, we facilitate healing and growth.

The Process

The Spiral utilizes a seven-stage emotional clearing process aligned with the chakra system to clear 22 emotions common to the human experience. This process uncovers unconscious limitations, identifies growth opportunities, and removes emotional barriers that have held you back.

Transformation Beyond Words

Beyond Words

The true power of The Spiral and Emotional Clearing emerges after the session, as unconscious shifts permeate your choices and actions. While some may notice immediate changes, others experience gradual transformations in specific life situations.

The true power of The Spiral and Emotional Clearing emerges after the session,
as unconscious shifts permeate your choices and actions. While some may notice immediate changes, others experience gradual transformations in specific
life situations.

Your Personal Journey

The Spiral offers profound insights and transformative experiences, but it’s not a quick fix. The depth of your commitment to the process directly correlates with the tangible outcomes you achieve.

Here’s an overview of your journey

Spiral Element(1)

Opening Ritual

Introduction to The Spiral, creating a safe container, intention setting and preparation.

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Level One: Deserving

Release SHAME, increase SELF-WORTH.

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Level Two: Creativity

Release FEAR, increase PROACTIVITY.

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Level Three: Power

Release ANGER, increase SELF CONFIDENCE.

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Level Four: Openness

Release WOUNDS OF THE HEART, increase LOVE.

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Level Five: Expression


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Level Six: Vision

Release OLD VIEWS, increase CLARITY.

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Level Seven: Purpose

Align with your HIGHER PURPOSE and DIVINITY.

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Closing Ritual

Integration and Manifestation.

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Extra Session

To be used when needed throughout The Spiral process for integration.

How it Works

The Spiral journey is delivered in 10 x 1 on 1 sessions. You & I will meet in ritual each week for 1.5 – 2 hours via Zoom.

Each week you’ll release subconscious patterns, conditioning & suppressed emotions. You’ll reframe limiting beliefs & empower yourself to create the life of your dreams.

I’ll give you integration & embodiment tasks tailored to you to support you to gracefully embed the changes taking place within.

I’ll give you integration & embodiment tasks tailored
to you to support you to gracefully embed the
changes taking place within.

Outside of our weekly sessions I’ll be available to support you for the duration of the program.

Ready to Begin Your Spiral Journey?

Ready to Begin
Your Spiral Journey?

If you’re curious and want to learn more, schedule a free 30-minute discovery call with me to explore how The Spiral can empower you on your path to healing and transformation.